We’re Back Tonight Live @8pm w/ Coach Wendy Matthews 1/8/08 Episode -60


We Are Proud to Welcome a New Addition to The Indigo Room Family Coach Wendy

Wendy Matthews
Visit Wendy’s website at www.wellness-life-coach.com
“I offer law of attraction coaching and wellness therapies to support you in bridging the gap between your state of being now and your vision of wellness of mind, body, and spirit!”

Wellness Life Coaching and therapies are about giving you tools to tap into your own inner brilliance and create well-being. Well-being is defined as ” A condition of health, happiness or prosperity.” Wendy is disciplined in many areas, such as Aqua Chi, Reiki, NLP, and Holistic ADHD Coaching. Wendy will share some techniques she uses in her successful practice to assist with releasing limiting beliefs and transforming those beliefs into empowering thoughts. Wendy on Myspace www.myspace.com/reikicoach

Let’s have some fun. Call in 724-444-7444. Where do you want to be this time next year? This is it…get your dreams back, and fly!!!!

We still have 17 seconds, tickling our amygdala, word and thought of the day, myspace & website of the day, new music, and more..