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30 Day Diet of Not Complaining!


I’ve had quite a bit of wicky wacky things going on in my journey as I traverse this plane. And you know what? I just am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Oooh is that a complaint? LOL No worries it is not March 1, 2016 yet in my neck of the woods. So I’ve decided it’s time to stop the train and refocus and get busy, making sure I feel good even when I feel like complaining. Oh wait, hey here’s a thought Sydney why not challenge yourself, to change the concept of yourself and just at least not complain about anything for the next 30 days. Eureka!! LOL Well not really. I took this challenge several years ago and you know what? I Felt awesome! Fabulous! Delicious!

So for me, I thought it was the appropriate time take this challenge again. Yeah, yeah, no more wicky wacky for me! I mean what would I feel like if I just stopped that complaining train dead in it’s tracks out-loud, and in my head, in my thoughts? I know what,  it feels good. I’ve done it before and now it is the time to do it again. YAY!!!

So you know what I did? I posted my intentions on the famous Facebook, and well I didn’t expect folks to join in with me. I just figured they, my Facebook friends would help keep me honest in my quest; cause I have a tendency to post complaints as they roll up into my head from time to time, especially since I moved back to New York City. You know those posts that get everyone popping, the MTA sucks, or how about the weather? You name it there it goes. So it’s not a wonder why things can go way left from time to time. Anyway, I digress. It’s really up to me to change things isn’t it? When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.

So bottom line I AM up for the challenge I gave myself. Yeppers I AM going in. No complaining about anything for the next 30 days. Should be an interesting quest. I’ve set up a group on Facebook if you want to join in. Please feel free. I AM going to feel free. I’ve got 15 minutes left to complain my ass off. LOL. Click the link if you would like to join some non-complaining people. Who knows, you might just have a miracle or two to show for it when you complete the cycle. Oh but mind you there is a catch…yeah there is always one. If you complain or let’s be honest if you think about some complaints, you get to start the whole cycle again until you complete at least a full 30 days without complaining about a thing! I say bring it on. LOL Here is the link, let’s get crackalackin.


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