Explore Tips, Tools, Books, Videos, Coaching, Blogs & more to Help you step into the truth of who you are; An Indigo from the Blue Realm!

  • Train Your Imagination in A Virtual Reality to Live The Life You Desire In Real Life

    Train Your Imagination in A Virtual Reality to Live The Life You Desire In Real Life You may have remembered me talking about creating a vision board many times on YouTube and on my Podcast. You may have heard me talking about using Second Life which is a Virtual Reality…

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  • 11/11 Portal Happy Energetic New Year

    11/11 Portal   Today the 11/11 Portal is open Indigos. It is very powerful. I know I always say this is a powerful portal. And it is. Why? Because for the past ten years or so the veil has been thinning and the portals are getting stronger. This year is…

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  • Being Redirected on Your Path

    Good New Day you delicious Indigo Beings of The Indigo Room. I hope you slept in the wish fulfilled and you woke up that way. Sometimes it feels like things are not going the way you imagined them to go. If you could see your journey from a higher perspective…

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The Indigo Room: Creating Our Reality is now simply The Indigo Room.

The Indigo Room’s content is now solely dedicated to the experiences of being an Indigo from the Blue Realm which is located in the 12th Dimension.

Are you an Indigo? Do you think you might be an Indigo? Were you considered an Indigo Child? Are you the parent of an Indigo? This is the space for you. Welcome


The Create My Day Journal and Planners are now available on Amazon.

Weekly New I AM Statement to focus on here. Click one of the I AM Statement photos above to join our I AM Statements new Indigo group on Volley to share your statement or to find a new one.
I am also the author of Mind Garden of Eden, currently an E-book on Amazon. Soon you will be able to purchase it in paperback as well. Click the flower photo above to find out more.

Visit our Shop for new Indigo Room Stuffs



  • Shumann’s Resonance Off The Charts

    We are definitely witnessing some interesting changes here on the planet. Last weekend in particular. If you are not familiar with Shumann’s Resonance you can check out the wikipedia here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schumann_resonances There have been some huge fluxuation patterns in Shumann’s Resonance this past weekend which can be seen on twitter…

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    Hey you delicious Indigo Beings of the Indigo Room, let’s all do our best to prioritize self-care this year! During this Chinese year of the Rabbit. It is my goal to do at least one self-care article a month. This month I encourage you to prioritize some form of meditation…

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  • The 11/11 Portal Is Powerful Manifesting Energy

    The 11/11 Portal in this year of 2022 is indeed a very powerful one energetically speaking for the earthly collective but extremely important for Indigos to be aware and take full advantage of. This time is considered by the metaphysical/spiritual community to be an energetic new year and reset. Ce-le-br-a-te!!!…

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