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There is no power which can touch you in your Call and Acceptance of the Power of your “Presence.” Mankind will understand the Glory of the Tube of Light which your “Presence” produces about you at your Call. It is so Invincible! Then you will be able to move untouched by the discord about you; but as long as you keep accepting that maybe something might get through your Tube of Light, you have the feeling that is the channel for it to occur. Say with firm determination, “Not one thing can enter my Tube of Light when I have asked the Presence to draw It!”

It is the same thing with anyone. I ask all the Students to please take this firm, determined stand to anyone affected by entities. You must be firm, because that individual who is the discarnate entity is firm. Say with determination: “Not once again shall anyone touch my mental world or touch me, so get out!” As you fix that powerful feeling within you, the thing will have to leave you.

Ascended Master Light, I AM DISCOURSES, Vol. 7


“Mighty I AM Presence”! sweep my intellect clear from everything but Thee and Thy Perfection, and keep it so forever.

“Mighty I AM Presence”! charge my mind and body with Your Mighty Perfection forever.

Adorations & Affirmations, The I AM Discourses Vol 5.

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