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Some of the Members of The Indigo Room Social Network

The Indigo Room: Creating Our Reality Social Network on Ning continues to Grow and Expand. And we have some really amazing members.

I am happy to support our members, here is what some of them are up to these days.

Become a Member of our Social Network and log into the show on a Monday or Saturday to share what it is you are doing.  Just as some of our Members have done. : )) Check them out and join us live on Mondays at 1pm Eastern and Saturdays 2pm Eastern in The Indigo Room Talkshow on


My name is Sandra Daly and I have written a book called Choose Your Universe: Five Simple Steps to Creating the Life You WantChoose Your Universe is a little book that contains the basics of how I was able to completely change my life.  It is physically small in size, so it will fit easily in a pocket or a purse, and it is meant to be an aid to getting unstuck when you have no idea what to do next in a situation, or – if you find yourself feeling as if your very life is working against you – it can be used as a reminder that you can choose to experience a friendly universe – one that loves you and wants you to be happy – at any time, no matter what your circumstances happen to be.

“If every instinct you ever have is wrong, then the opposite would have to be right.”-Jerry Seinfeld to George Costanza in Seinfeld’s “The Opposite” episode

Hi and welcome back to “A Dare a Day”!  Today I want to talk about how the above quote has worked its way into my life as a sort of mantra.  Recently, I’ve been examining some things in my life that, no matter what I seem to be doing (or not doing in some cases), haven’t been working out as I have hoped.  I’ve compared these things to areas that do seem to be working for me and have come to a few conclusions about how to turn the non-working elements around.  The above quote is a big part of that turn-around process.


I’m very proud to be working with the InVeStworks Model System. It’s a fantastic tool for social and economic change. Empowers and supports all. Follow Gary on Twitter to find our more about InvestWorks


I have been wherever you are. I have lived in a state of not liking my actions, dissapointed in my lack of so-called success and feeling heavy, not happy. It has been a great journey to happiness and I am still traveling that road with you now. So what is different? I now have the tools to get me back on the road when I steer off into another direction. I recognize the feelings, the emotions, right away and through other teachers, have learned how to correct my state and bring me back to joy.
This is the journey that I want to walk with you. I can teach you and support you in using the tools to obtain the state of happiness you desire. “Happiness is more than just a moment of pleasure, it is a brightness and a light feeling in your spirit that carries you through all times”

Kay – has added two groups on our network

S.O.U.R.C.E. Productions Created the Idea for a short film based on LOA and interested in making it a collabartive project .

On The Radio for music enthusiasts, who use Music to become inspired

Do add yourself to these groups if you are inclined.


My passion is spirituality and expressing my truth in the most beautiful ways I can. I am finding the light within myself and everyday I am closer to seeing that light in all of us. I am not a perfect person, but a work in progress. I am eternally grateful for my continued growth in this life and for the privilege of sharing my experience and love with others…

Evelyn –

In this article we will look at four methods that writers can use to work towards making a full time income from their writing. If your big dream as a writer is to become a published author, the exposure and name recognition you receive from having a successful online writing business will only help you when it comes time to market your book. If you are just getting started as an online writer, article writing is a great place to start. There are billions of web sites on the Internet and they all need fresh, relevant content to keep their readers coming back. Article writing is a great way to generate revenue quickly.

Hope to see you soon on The Indigo Room

Much Love and Light, looking forward to knowing about your creations.

Sydney Chase

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