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Ugling Duckling to Beautiful Swan w/Sandi Anne Daly 1/18/08 @8pmEDT Episode-63

Sandi Anne Daly

I experienced child abuse (all kinds) beginning at the age of five, when I began to learn that I was just an ugly, worthless piece of crap who didn’t deserve to have any kind of a happy life. This was when the “programming” of my beliefs about myself began.

By the time I was a teenager I just “knew” without question that I was an ugly, worthless piece of crap who didn’t deserve to have any kind of a happy life. Every choice I made as a teenager came from these beliefs about myself. So you can probably guess what kind of relationships I had – what kind of boys I got involved with. I had to be a victim because that was what I knew. I hated myself and I hated my life. Every time I made an unhealthy choice, deep inside I knew I was doing it, but I never seemed able to make another choice because of my beliefs about myself. And, of course, the boys and men I got involved with reinforced my beliefs about myself with their abusive treatment of me. It was a vicious, vicious never-ending cycle.

And then I made it to adulthood. I was shocked when I made it to the age of 20, because I had honestly expected to be dead by then. As an adult I “knew” even more deeply that I was just an ugly, worthless piece of crap who didn’t deserve to have any kind of a happy life. I was in and out of abusive relationship after abusive relationship, desperately looking for someone to love me while at the same time completely incapable of loving myself. I spent the years up to age 35 in relationships with men who said they loved me but would then break my nose or strangle me into unconsciousness on a regular basis.

Join us to hear the rest of this powerful life transformation. Sandi’s story, is it your own or someone you know and love? Is it possible to allow the swan in you freedom? Can you change your story? Do you want to? Can you really begin a new life with just one new thought?

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