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Good Rising Chat with Special Guest Amaya Victoria




Good Rising Chat live, Sunday, September 15, 2019, at 11 AM Eastern 8 AM Pacific.

We welcome back, visit & chat with Amaya Victoria, Shaman, Healer & Channeler of Isaiah. Streaming live on YouTube, Search The Indigo Room Creating Our Reality or click the link to join us

The Indigo Room: Creating Our Reality with Sydney Chase is based on the fact that we are spiritual beings having physical human experiences and life is supposed to be fun, beautiful & delicious even when it’s Wicky Wacky!

About Amaya Victoria

“I was told that if I had been born into an indigenous village or tribe, that at approximately five to seven years old the medicine people would have seen how deeply gifted I was, and I would have been taken from my family to be initiated so that my gifts would be fully developed. I have been in practice for over 38 years.

As an elder, I have developed great wisdom and an affluent knowledge of the profound workings of the universe. I transmit teachings that this may world have never known nor seen in a very long time and am astutely connected to spirit, as well as deeply humbled to serve in this manner.

Deep within each of us is the calling of our soul, another name for it is our divinity.. This divinity is our compass, our Geiger counter or road map. It is activated when we take our first breath. for the last 38 years of my life, I have lead others out of the darkness of their thoughts, their emotions, their physical suffering. Gifted with the power of deep insight I am able to listen and “see” another’s call for wholeness; lifting their sacredness forward so it activates without hindrance in their world.

Healing is transmitted via phone, video, or in-person, one on one or with a group. I have been deeply blessed and gifted with the ability to energetically reach in, move out those places that are no longer of service for the individual or groups of individuals.

Each individual’s process is tailored for their walk in the world, through Channeling, Past Life Retrieval. Shamanic or Heart Speak Healing classes and workshops. The GOD driven intent is going beyond one’s wholeness to one’s Soul Completion. I have the capacity to change your life, permanently.” ~Amaya Victoria

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