I’m an Indigo, Now What?! with Sydney Chase

I’m an Indigo, Now What?!

So it’s been confirmed you are an Indigo or you think you are an Indigo, and you maybe asking yourself, “Now What?”

I know that feeling. When I found out in 2007 that I was an Indigo, initially I was so excited. My excitement quickly dissipated when I was told what I had signed up for. I basically folded my arms and said; actually it was more akin to an inner shouting of, “Nope! Not me!! Hell No!!!

I am an Indigo Elder and Shaman.

If you are unfamiliar with me and who I AM, you can take a peek here at About Sydney Chase to find out more.

For a while I denied what I agreed to be and do before this particular incarnation into this 3D Matrix. I do feel like the road here would have gone a lot smoother had I followed that guidance. I didn’t. I took the long, harder, punch drunk, rough terrain, road to get here.  That is good for you, now. But surely wasn’t fun for me.

What was my agreement you ask? It was to help the planet ascend by finding other Indigos and assisting them.

Assisting them to do what? Assisting Indigos to remember the truth of who they really are and guide them through the process to whatever their agreement was to help the planet ascend. All Indigos have an agreement.

So What is an Indigo? That is a big question but here are some basic indicators that you might be an Indigo.

  • The year you were born. Most of what people call Gen-X are Indigos but not all Indigos are Gen-X. (late 60’s to mid, late 80’s)
  • You know things and yet you may not have idea why?
  • Whenever you are around electronics especially light bulbs they tend to not last very long or stop working completely.
  • You were/are considered weird AF.
  • You tend to be a loner not necessarily lonely but not into large groups of people.
  • You may be on what is considered to be the spectrum.
  • You may have what is considered to be weird or quirky hobbies.
  • Your aura is an Indigo color.
  • Animals feel safe around you.
  • You were probably the black sheep of your family.
  • You have a thousand and one questions and have found no one has answers.
  • You’ve always had a feeling that you are not from here?
  • You may have experienced a rough upbringing
  • You may have been born in a strict, or religious environment and you either rebelled outright or quietly tried to fit in

The Indigo Files

Some of the best Indigo information I have found is located on this website that had it’s last entry posted on March 30, 2003. 21 years later the website is still running. I don’t have any idea why it’s still running or who has been maintaining it as I’ve reached out many to the woman who created it to no avail. Visit to read the information for yourself.  www.sunfell.com

How Can I assist You?

I used to call myself a Coach but that definition doesn’t really fit what I do. I am more of a teacher, guide maybe advisor would be fitting. I do consults to help you again remember the truth of who you are and to get on your Indigo trek so that you can do what it is you came here to do and be. You may find you only need one consultation with me or a few, but know this, you are truly a unique being and you are not crazy and you are not alone.

You have something very unique to offer this world. You may not realize it but you feel it in your soul.

* Learn to trust your own inner guidance (your intuition)

* Connecting to your own Spiritual Team

* What meditation techniques work best for you.

* Recognizing and Releasing Limiting beliefs

* Finding your unique gifts and learning how to apply them

*Keeping you accountable to your dreams desires and goals.

*Connecting you with your Merkaba Vehicle

Initially, we will spend 30 minutes together. During our call, we will determine together if we are a good fit for each other.  If you find value in what we discuss during those 30 minutes then we will establish the best coaching package that will work for you. The one thing I want you to know is, I will not quit nor give up on you. The only way this will NOT WORK is if YOU quit and give up on YOU!

If you are interested in a a consultation you can Email me theindigoroom2@gmail.com or call me at 201 -855-9898 for more information or schedule your free 30-minute consultation.

You really are a Divine Being, you just may not realize it yet.