We continue our book discussion of The I AM Discourses, by Godfrey Ray King, You must command your I AM Presence. You must keep your car topped off with fuel and your engine with oil otherwise your car will not run. You must do the same with your I AM…
Articles by Sydney
How is an Old Blind Man & his two sons YOU? Are There Manifesting Secrets in the Bible? Pt 3. Resurrection by Neville Goddard. We will use our own wonderful human imagination. Thoughts become things. What does an old blind man named Issac and his two sons Jacob and Esau…
Imagination Manifestation Exercises. Do you have something that works for you? I will be sharing the ones that I have found works for you. Everything begins within your wonderful own human imagination.
Tonight, July 10, 2019 we continue our book discussion of The I AM Discourses, by Godfre Ray King Ring/Click the bell to set a reminder. 9pm Eastern, 6pm Pacific. It’s time to get your I AM thoughts in check and all the way together if you are serious about manifesting…
You definitely can ask your I AM Presence within for guidance, clarity and instructions; especially when you have some major wicky wacky going on and you are not clear on what to do or you just need some clarity. Get still. Be still and know. Know that you are a…
Learn what are energy vampires are and how others have dealt with them.
The Name of God. Are There Manifesting Secrets in The Bible? Resurrection by Neville Goddard Maybe you are like me and you had no idea that the Bible is a manifesting manual hidden in plain sight. Yes, Yes, it is! Neville, who is one of my favorite Metaphysical teachers opened…
Feeling is the Secret to be, do and have the life you desire. Yes, feeling is the secret. What are you feeling right now? Do a gut check. Then do a look check. Look around you. You might find that your feelings match your experiences…I’m just sayin!!
Tonight we continue our book discussion of Neville Goddard’s Resurrection. A great question to ask yourself, ” Are you using God’s name, “I AM” in Vain? Whatever you state after I AM which is God’s name you either are or become. So let’s say for instance, I AM broke. A…
You can become poised, unbothered and calm in the midst of a raging storm or anxiety. The I AM Discourses Chapter 10.