Articles by Sydney

11/11 Portal Happy Energetic New Year

11/11 Portal   Today the 11/11 Portal is open Indigos. It is very powerful. I know I always say this is a powerful portal. And it is. Why? Because for the past ten years or so the veil has been thinning and the portals are getting stronger. This year is…

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Being Redirected on Your Path

Good New Day you delicious Indigo Beings of The Indigo Room. I hope you slept in the wish fulfilled and you woke up that way. Sometimes it feels like things are not going the way you imagined them to go. If you could see your journey from a higher perspective…

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I Keep Waking Up

Good New Day you delicious Indigo Beings of The Indigo Room. I hope you slept in the wish fulfilled and you woke up that way. Everyday is a new opportunity to be, do and imagine something different. Each new day is filled with new delicious energies to wake up to….

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