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16 Comments on merkaba

  1. One on one coaching with Sydney and group coaching has certainly changed my life. She helped bring so much clarity to my mind. The best part is she is so patient and willing to explain things until you get it. If there’s a goal you need to achieve or you want to adjust an area in your life I highly recommend Sydney!!

  2. Sydney is awesome! I have had coaching sessions with her one on one, she is very kind, patient, knowledgeable and hilarious. It is wonderful to have someone who understands being awakened, realizing you are not just this physical body that there is so much more to you! She is extremely knowledgeable in helping you manifest your dreams for your life. Sydney is very resourceful. If you read her profile, you will see how awesome Sydney is.

  3. This is truly a journey our own inner being “sends” us. For many years I thought that asking for a sign was a sign of not trusting my I AM. But in one of our AAPT group meeting, Sydney mentioned not a “sign” but seek “clarity”. Wow! Just looking at things in another perspective can change your world! Just one word can throw you off kilter. After I did ask God for clarity such wonderful things have been happening to me, I feel like I have walked on clouds now. Thank you, Sydney!

  4. Barbara Jacobs | February 18, 2022 at 8:44 pm |

    I love the coaching I had with Sydney. She helped me hone in on ideas I had but wasn’t using. Shared her thoughts which got me to thinking I have maybe some options to improve my work experience! I’m encouraged and so glad I had this session with her , and another is coming up soon!

  5. Linda Patrick | February 18, 2022 at 7:11 pm |

    While I was intrigued about the Law of Attraction, it never worked for me; there seemed to be something missing no matter how many times I watched or read about it and tried to manifest. I was unsuccessful at manifesting.
    I found Sydney and she has coached me through learning how to manifest what I want. She gave me the tools, showed me how to practice successfully and how to improve my ability to manifest what I desire.
    I have had group and one on one coaching and very much recommend Sydney as a coach for group or one on one.

  6. Susana Guerra | February 18, 2022 at 3:27 pm |

    I did one on one Triple I coaching with Sydney in 2020, and found it immensely helpful. I’ve definitely manifested some wonderful things I wouldn’t have thought possible before.
    Whether one on one or in a group I highly recommend working with Sydney as your coach. Your life will change for the better!

  7. Linda Patrick | February 13, 2022 at 12:27 am |

    In the past I have tried to kept a daily journal but have lost interest because they had too much listed to enter that I was not interested in or they were just a pretty picture, glorified to do, daily/monthly list/planner.
    I have been using this journal for three weeks now and I find that I look forward to using it every morning to start my day. I find that I am more aware of what I want my affirmation or I AM statement to be, by writing it down, and like to add my wins and I AM Thankful for’s in the evenings.
    I also like that there are 4 different covers for the journals so that I can have a different one for every 3 months.
    This Create My Day Journal works for me. Give it a try and I think you will be pleased.

    • Sydney Chase | February 13, 2022 at 6:36 pm |

      Linda!! That is the exact experience I was having when looking for a daily journal planner!! And the exact reason that I created this one. Thank you so very much for your comment and your purchase!!

  8. Everyone needs this book on their nightstand!! I actually carry this journal with me everywhere I go. It’s like a lifeline! Creating my day has been so enjoyable with this journal, and whatever I can’t handle, I leave it to God.

    • Sydney Chase | February 12, 2022 at 6:22 pm |

      Hey Del,
      Thank you so very much for your comment and your purchase! I am so happy to hear that!!

  9. Susan, that was beautiful and fun! I love synchronicities! Life is loaded with moments!

  10. this is something very important for physicians. and to my knowledge, almost no one knows about it.

  11. not a best quote from neville , and i see no connection to the I AM statement below!

  12. thinking about it, sounds like teachings of ACIM.

  13. Reblogged this on bookpino.

  14. Do you have any video of that? I’d want to find out more details.

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