Learn what are energy vampires are and how others have dealt with them.
Sydney Chase
Feeling is the Secret to be, do and have the life you desire. Yes, feeling is the secret. What are you feeling right now? Do a gut check. Then do a look check. Look around you. You might find that your feelings match your experiences…I’m just sayin!!
Tonight we continue our book discussion of Neville Goddard’s Resurrection. A great question to ask yourself, ” Are you using God’s name, “I AM” in Vain? Whatever you state after I AM which is God’s name you either are or become. So let’s say for instance, I AM broke. A…
You can become poised, unbothered and calm in the midst of a raging storm or anxiety. The I AM Discourses Chapter 10.
Welcome to our Open Chat. Today’s question of the Day is Why don’t I have enough Money? Open Chat means exactly that. We discuss all topics relating to our spiritual, physical and mental well being. It’s all spiritual in my humble opinion. Pop on in & add your positive energy…
The moment you accept the wish as an accomplished fact the subconscious finds means for its realizationNeville Goddard What is within you, will be what you experience in your world.
Good Rising Open Chat~Question of the Day: Are You calling on the Law of Forgiveness for Yourself & Others? Forgiveness of ourselves is just as important maybe more so as forgiving others. Because when you can forgive yourself it becomes much easier to give that same energy to others Open…
Are You Seeking Revenge? Revenge is You drinking poison and expecting someone else to die! It doesn’t work. What you put out through your thoughts and feelings ALWAYS returns to the sender. Are you seeking revenge on someone who has done you wrong? When I first heard that revenge is…