“Thou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee” [Job 22:28]. It is not a strong will that sends the subjective word on its mission so much as it is clear thinking and feeling the truth of the state affirmed. When belief and will are in conflict,…
Articles by Sydney
By the power of imagination all men/women, certainly imaginative men/women, are forever casting forth enchantments, and all men/women, especially unimaginative men/women, are continually passing under their power. Can we ever be certain that it was not our mother while darning our socks who began that subtle change in our…
X-ray view of a man dreaming with view of brain and spinal cord The subjective mind is completely controlled by suggestion. Ideas are best suggested when the objective mind is partly subjective, that is, when the objective senses are diminished or held in abeyance. This partly subjective state can best…
Man/Woman transmits ideas to the subconscious through their feelings. The subconscious transmits ideas from mind to mind through telepathy. Your unexpressed convictions of others are transmitted to them without their conscious knowledge or consent, and if subconsciously accepted by them will influence their behavior. The only ideas they subconsciously reject…
The conscious mind reasons inductively from observation, experience and education. It therefore finds it difficult to believe what the five senses and inductive reason deny. The subconscious reasons deductively and is never concerned with the truth or falsity of the premise, but proceeds on the assumption of the correctness of…
What we are conscious of is constructed out of what we are not conscious of. Not only do our subconscious assumptions influence our behavior but they also fashion the pattern of our objective existence. They alone have the power to say, “Let us make man — objective manifestations — in…
If a physical fact can produce a psychological state, a psychological state can produce a physical fact. If the effect (a) can be produced by the cause (b), then inversely, the cause (sic)(b) can be produced by the effect (a). “Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye…
There is no power which can touch you in your Call and Acceptance of the Power of your “Presence.” Mankind will understand the Glory of the Tube of Light which your “Presence” produces about you at your Call. It is so Invincible! Then you will be able to move…
The Students must all realize that no longer shall they give one single appearance less than Perfection any power by their attention. Shut it off instantly and say to your human self: “Come back here! Go to your Presence’ and stay there! Don’t you dare get out of line here….
Now notice these two activities. I am sure so few have really understood this particular point. It is one which I hope to make clear to you and hold it eternally before you in gaining your Dominion. It is the need of your complete cooperation in your feeling with your…