Learning to Meditate w/Sunirmalya Symons 10/26/07 @8pm Episode-38

“Prayer is you talking to God. Meditation is You listening.” Something someone told me one day~~~Sydney

Learning to Meditate w/Sunirmalya Symons from The Meditation Society of Australia

Free Online Meditation Classes

Surnirmalya Symons

Yes you can do it. What? Mediate! Join us as we learn to Mediate with Sunirmalya Symons from The Mediation Society of Australia. Be easy with yourself and relax into some delicious meditation techniques to ease your scattered mind and open up to your own uniques soulspeak & vibration. Yes your soul speaks, are you listening?
Excerpt from Lesson One

Meditation is an extremely simple process. It follows three distinct steps

1. We start with the superficial, scattered mind – (This is the level with which we often carry out our day-to-day chores, ‘bring in the newspaper’, ‘cook the meal’ – it is often characterised by lots of thoughts, positive and negative, with very little control or knowledge of how they got there) If we are often in this state of mind, we will find that we are easily distracted, have difficulty concentrating, probably worry about unimportant things and have little understanding of the real ‘us’.

2. We then progress by virtue of our heart’s concentration – to deeper, analytical thinking. When our mind is focused completely on one thing, we are the most efficient and purposeful in our thinking. (This is the basis of the rules of ‘time-management’ -> to be focused absolutely on one task at a time) The analytical level reveals the deepest we can go with thought.

3.From this very deep thinking we enter into intuitive states, revelations, “I know this is right” feelings or extremely vivid goals or intense creativity or spiritual dreams. When thinking stops and intuitive experience takes over, this is meditation. We call these moments, ‘Aah’ moments. These moments are where the deepest moments of revelation and intuition are born, and we reveal our real self. http://meditation.org.au

Second Hour Hang out with us for 17 seconds, tickling our amygdala, Good News, Music, Word & Thought of the Day, Book of the Month, Rampaging & More

Music Provided by IODA Promonet
The Music on tonights show 10/26/07
Secret JourneyOmar Akram
“Seven Secrets” (mp3)
from “Secret Journey”
More On This Album

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