Around The Indigo Room and on Indigo Love Revolution Island

This week  is full of Activity around The Indigo Room Network, The Indigo Room: Creating Our Reality and On Indigo Love Revolution Island in Second Life.

This weeks Episode:

Title: EPISODE109 – Ice Cream For Dinner & LOA Terms, Phrases

01/12/2009 01:00 PM EST

Episode Notes: What do I mean by Ice Cream for Dinner? Guess you will have to tune in to get the answer for that. LOA Terms & Phrases is a discussion about some of the terms phrases you may have heard here or others use but aren’t quite sure what they mean. You can see some of them here on this blog.

Do you have a Second Life?  No? Why not get one and join us this week for some LOA Activities

This Week January 12-18, 2009
Law of Attraction Discussions,Classes & Activities at Indigo Love Revolution Island & The Indigo Room Studio on Spirit Mountain.
All Activities are Free
All Discussions Free
Classes are Free
Workshops are paid
Workshops are 90minutes to 2 hours,have a  limit of Five(5), attention to YOUR specific questions,( ie, business, money, relationships, health,and more), includes Private 30 minutes one on one session anytime after the workshops at your convenience, notes & worksheets provided, and 2hours at a manifestation Station of your choice (health, self love, money/abundance or relationships) must be paid in advance.

Private One on One sessions with IndigoQueen Zamani available please IM for details : ))

Not in Second Life?

Click on one of the links of one of the Free activities or classes you are interested in.  You will be brought to a map/locatioindigoqueen-on-islandn page.  Look to your top right you will see a button to click to sign up for a free account.  Follow the instructions and when you are done, log in.  When you log in you will be brought directly to the class or activity.  All times listed are in Pacific Time.  See You In- World.
Love and Light
Sydney Chase also known as IndigoQueen Zamani.

@~Indigo Love Revolution Island Activities~@

****Law of Attraction Videos by Abraham-Hicks and other teachers.****

Time: Anytime
Location: Video Room Indigo Love Revolution Island(when you rez on the island you are at the welcome area. There is a teleport sign. Touch Video Room to teleport to the Video Room)

***Group Tai-Chi Affirmations***
Relax and focus on the affirmations on the screen and those being typed in chat, while you listen to the streamed in music and tai-chi.
Dates: Mon-Sunday
Time: 6am-6:30am slt
Location: Tai-chi Area(when you rez on the island you are at the welcome area. There is a teleport sign. Touch TAI-CHI to teleport to the TAI-CHI area)

The Indigo Room: Creating Our Reality Talkshow
Monday January 12, 2009 at 1pm Eastern Time, 10am SLT
Topic: Ice Cream For Dinner and LOA Terms and Phrases
What do I mean by Ice Cream for Dinner? Guess you will have to tune in to get the answer for that at Also on tap,  LOA Terms & Phrases is a discussion about some of the terms phrases you may have heard here or others use but aren’t quite sure what they mean. You can see some of them on the Indigo Room Host blog by going to
You may listen to last weeks episode still playing at The Indigo Room Studio on Spirit Mountain.

@~Free Classes and Discussions~@

***Abraham Quotes Discussion***
Abraham are non-physical beings who are channeled by Esther Hicks who give amazing insights on how to allow your thoughts and feelings (your vibrations) assist you in creating the life you desire. These quotes cover many aspects of daily physical life. Each day I send out quotes to “LOA Law of Attraction” Group, if you would like to receive them, the group is Open Enrollment to join. If you have an Abraham Quote you would like to discuss bring it along with you. Join me for a discussion of some delicious quotes and what they mean to you.
Dates: Tuesday- Friday
Time: 9amslt-9:30amslt
Location: The LOA Center (when you rez on the island you are at the welcome area. There is a teleport sign. Touch LOA Center to teleport to the LOA Center)𐀄

Fee: Free No Charge( love offering accepted if you are inclined to do so.)

***Introduction to Law of Attraction***
Understanding the basics of LOA and Deliberate Creation, What you think and feel matters. (If you have already attended this class you may want to choose a different class)
Date:Monday January 12, 2009
Location: The Indigo Room Studio

***LOA(Law of Attraction) Terms and Phrases***
LOA Terms & Phrases is a discussion about some of the terms phrases you may have heard but aren’t quite sure what they mean
Date:Monday January 12, 2009
Time: 3pmslt-4pmslt
Location: The Indigo Room Studio

***Creating Your Vision Statement/Board or Creation Box***
Do you have a vision for your life? What are you wanting to be do and have? Creating a vision statement and vision board or Creation Box is fun.  We will look at one I created and understand the benefits of creating your own.  Also how to create them either in Second Life or in your First Life.
Date: Tuesday January 13, 2009
Location: The LOA Center (when you rez on the island you are at the welcome area. There is a teleport sign. Touch LOA Center to teleport to the LOA Center)

Fee: Free No Charge( love offering accepted if you are inclined to do so.)

***Law of Attraction and Your Health***
Many of our health issues are manifested because of what we are thinking and feeling about ourselves.  We do not have to be ill.  We can bring our attention and feeling to allow more well-being to and through our physical bodies.
When you are ill it is very difficult to focus on well-being but not impossible.
Date: Wednesday January 14, 2009
Time: 11am-12pm slt
Location: The Indigo Room Studio

Fee: Free No Charge( love offering accepted if you are inclined to do so.)

***Indigo Meeting @ Indigo Love Revolution Island***
Are you an Indigo, Indigo Child or Elders, either First wave or second,  and are looking to connect with others who are also? Join us at the Island this week for a get together.

Date: Wednesday January 14, 2009
Time: 3pm-4pmslt
Location: Indigo Love Revolution Island

***Using Second Life to Create in First Life***
Our imagination is very powerful. I have found that Second Life is a wonderful tool to use for Law of Attraction.  During this class we will look at how you can use the Second Life platform as a visualization tool. Imagine it, believe it and create it in Second Life First.
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 11amslt -12pm slt
Location: The Indigo Room Studio
Fee: Free No Charge( love offering accepted if you are inclined to do so.)

***What’s Your Story?***
If you aren’t quite happy with what you have manifested or what you are looking at in your life, you’ve got to begin telling a different story. During this class we explore how telling a different story about your life really can assist you with using Law of Attraction, to have a different life story.  We take a look at the words we use, and how we feel about them and the emotional charge around them.
Date: Friday January 16, 2009
Time: 11am-12pmslt
Location: The Indigo Room Studio

Fee: Free No Charge( love offering accepted if you are inclined to do so.)


To pay for workshops online go to

***Your Point of Attraction***
This workshop goes a bit beyond the basics of LOA.  During this workshop we will discuss how to find what your point of attraction is on various subjects that are important to you, and how to gradually move your energy vibration to match your desire. Your point of attraction is important.

The Fee to attend this workshop is $5700L or $20.00 USD using Paypal to
Date: Saturday January 16, 2009
Time: 10amslt-12pmslt
Location: LOA Center(when you rez on the island you are at the welcome area. There is a teleport sign. Touch LOA Center to teleport to the LOA Center)

Workshop Limit: Five (5)

90minutes, limit of Five(5), attention to YOUR specific questions,( ie, business, money, relationships, health,and more), includes Private 30 minutes one on one session anytime after the workshop at your convenience,notes & worksheets provided, and 2hours at a manifestation Station of your choice (health, self love, money/abundance or relationships) must be paid in advance IM IndigoQueen Zamani for more info.

***Understanding Emotions with Nina Lancaster***
Saturday January 17, 2009 1pm slt
at the LOA Center open the
Understanding Emotions
by Nina Lancaster
Saturday January 17, 2009 at 1pm slt
Indigo Love Revolution Island

Workshop Limit: Five (5)
The Fee to attend this workshop is $5700L or $20.00 USD using Paypal to

IM IndigoQueen Zamani for information and to register.

Sadly our emotions are poorly understood and can in doing so can lead to many preventable mental and physical conditions of mind and body.
This course will help you to understand the Nature of Emotions and increase your awareness of this magnificent inner guidance system.

About the teacher
Gina Pickersgill (Nina Lancaster SL) is a real life Spiritual NLP Lifecoach, Angel Channeller, and holistic writer.  As a former glamour model in the 1980s, she understands societal pressures to conform to media perceptions of ideal beauty. After having dealt with her own relationship to body image, food and its entanglement with related emotional issues, she finally discovered that the best form of cure was to love her true self. Much of her personal empowerment journey has been finding out what that means, and how to put what she has learned into action to get results.

An article by Gina on Emotional Eating can be viewed here at

She teaches courses on Emotional Eating and Overcoming Addictions at The London College of Spirituality as one of the core tutors for the accredited spiritual facilitor programm.

***It’s Not Just the Thoughts You are Thinking***
During this workshop we will look at how to change your chronic pattern of thoughts.  And why it is essential to your process of creation.  Also understanding your beliefs and how to let go of the ones that are not serving you well.

The Fee to attend this workshop is $5700L or $20.00 USD using Paypal to

Date:Saturday January 17, 2009
Time: 3pmslt-5pm slt
Location: LOA Center(when you rez on the island you are at the welcome area. There is a teleport sign. Touch LOA Center to teleport to the LOA Center)

Workshop Limit: Five (5)
90minutes, limit of Five(5), attention to YOUR specific questions,( ie, business, money, relationships, health,and more), includes Private 30 minutes one on one session anytime after the workshop at your convenience,notes & worksheets provided, and 2hours at a manifestation Station of your choice (health, self love, money/abundance or relationships) must be paid in advance IM IndigoQueen Zamani for more info.

***Lowering Resistance***
During this workshop we will discuss what resistance is and how it may be blocking you.  We will also play Fun games to assist you with lowering resistance so that you are allowing what you have been asking for to come into your experience.

The Fee to attend this workshop is $5700L or $20.00 USD using Paypal to

Date: Sunday January 18, 2008
Time: 10amslt-12pmslt
Location: LOA Center(when you rez on the island you are at the welcome area. There is a teleport sign. Touch LOA Center to teleport to the LOA Center)

Workshop Limit: Five (5)

90minutes, limit of Five(5), attention to YOUR specific questions,( ie, business, money, relationships, health,and more), includes Private 30 minutes one on one session anytime after the workshop at your convenience, notes & worksheets provided, and 2hours at a manifestation Station of your choice (health, self love, money/abundance or relationships) must be paid in advance IM IndigoQueen Zamani for more info.

***What’s Your Story? (Advanced)***
If you aren’t quite happy with what you have manifested or what you are looking at in your life, you’ve got to begin telling a different story. During this workshop we explore how telling a different story about your life really can assist you with using Law of Attraction, to have a different life story.  We will actually create new stories for different situations in your life.

The Fee to attend this workshop is $5700L or $20.00 USD using Paypal to

Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 3pmslt-5pmslt
Location: LOA Center(when you rez on the island you are at the welcome area. There is a teleport sign. Touch LOA Center to teleport to the LOA Center)

Workshop Limit: Five (5)

90minutes, limit of Five(5), attention to YOUR specific questions,( ie, business, money, relationships, health,and more), includes Private 30 minutes one on one session anytime after workshop at your convenience, notes & worksheets provided, and 2hours at a manifestation Station of your choice (health, self love, money/abundance or relationships) must be paid in advance IM IndigoQueen Zamani for more info.