Creating My Reality

I say to you, “Beware!”—for a picture of the lower desire may be placed before an individual, and the picture will cause the thought to act. This shows the necessity of the control of the vision as well as the thought. The vision is one activity of the attention. Important:…

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Thought is interior speech; and as you converse with each other by words, so may you converse with, demand, and command the Inner “Presence” through thought. Thought can be made a dynamo by which you can charge the body, home, condition, or activity according to the consciousness or understanding you…

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If anything occurs within the consciousness that causes the least fear or disturbance, one should instantly remember one’s “Mighty I AM Presence” — the Master within —and ask It to dissipate all fear, its cause and its effect at once, and see that it never touches one’s being or world…

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