I say to you, “Beware!”—for a picture of the lower desire may be placed before an individual, and the picture will cause the thought to act. This shows the necessity of the control of the vision as well as the thought. The vision is one activity of the attention. Important:…
Articles by Sydney
Again, let Me call your attention to the Mighty Truth that thought is the wedge of God’s Energy released into action. By this, you can see how important it is to become consciously master of your own thought. In this mastery lies full dominion. In conjunction with the mastery of…
Thought is interior speech; and as you converse with each other by words, so may you converse with, demand, and command the Inner “Presence” through thought. Thought can be made a dynamo by which you can charge the body, home, condition, or activity according to the consciousness or understanding you…
Try to have your Students understand that the very fact of sincerely seeking the Light of God, if sought with sufficient sincerity and intensity, will cause all problems of the outer to be quickly and normally solved. If individuals, finding themselves confronted by problems, would say: “Mighty God in whom…
It took us a year and four months to read the first 3 Volumes of The I AM Discourses. We are reading The Final Chapters of Vol 3 today. Have you been seeing changes using your I AM Statements and focusing on Your Mighty I AM Presence this past year?…
If anything occurs within the consciousness that causes the least fear or disturbance, one should instantly remember one’s “Mighty I AM Presence” — the Master within —and ask It to dissipate all fear, its cause and its effect at once, and see that it never touches one’s being or world…
At least once a day, demand that your world be flooded with the Mightiest Activity of Divine Love. “God, the Mighty I AM Presence,’ surround and protect me from every outer vibration. “ When one starts to argue with you for a negative thing, take a definite stand and make…
Fearing problems: The reason why problems become rampant, as it were, is because the problem or situation becomes charged with fear by the individual. This gives it a certain powerful activity. One should really strive for just the opposite activity by withdrawing all power from it. Fear is feeling, and…
“Divine Love is the Reservoir of Life and the Treasure-chest of the Universe. It automatically draws to the personal self every good thing. When the outer activity of the mind acknowledges the I AM Presence’ and keeps attuned to Divine Love, then all achievement is accomplished without struggle or strain,…
“There have been platitudes by the million written and preached about Divine Love being the Law of Life. But who knows how to generate the Feeling of Divine Love consciously and at will to a limitless degree and put It in the place of irritation, hate, et cetera, as a…