Again, let Me remind you that self-pity is the strongest disintegrating force of any one attribute of negative consciousness. When a Student, because things have not been accomplished for him, suddenly takes the attitude, “Why isn’t this accomplished now?” —I want to say that this point is not of any…
Articles by Sydney
“While there is a different Individualization or Flame of God governing each human body, yet these Individualizations are, have, and use the One Universal Mind, Substance, Wisdom and Power. This is how there is but One Mind, One God, One Substance and One Power ever waiting to be consciously acted…
Created by Vickie Valesquez I would suggest that some time each day you think of yourself as a radio station sending forth peace and goodwill to all mankind. Know that in this Mighty Consciousness, the Limitless Power of the “Mighty I AM Presence” flows forth to each individual and gives…
Warning—watch this: My Heart yearns for the Illumination of the Student who keeps voicing day after day, week after week: “How am I to govern my thought? Why don’t these affairs come into shape as I want them to? Why doesn’t everything change about as it should?” Dear Student, let…
Reading & Discussion of The I AM Discourses. The I AM Discourses Vol. 3 pg 329 The I AM Discourses are several volumes given by Saint Germain and written down by Godfrey Ray King. What you think, feel & say, after I AM, you create in your reality. Join us…
Unwelcome thoughts: It is useless for the sincere Student to say, think, or feel that he cannot govern his thought and feeling. I assure you that at first it does take determined watchfulness; but it must be done, and there is no getting away from it. If strangers began to…
“The average person’s thoughts and feeling are nothing but a mass of chaotic pictures and negative suggestions which he has accepted from the world about him, and keeps repeating and feeding them by his own energy through his attention. Order is Heaven’s First Law—Harmony and Peace, the Cohesive Power of…
“Whatever and whoever denies God—the Source of all Life and Light—can only exist as long as the energy which they have already received can sustain them; because the moment an individual, group, or nation denies the very Source of Life, that instant the Inflowing Stream of Life Energy is cut…
Dominion over the body: People can, if they will only realize it, talk to the organs or parts of the physical body just like they would to a child from whom they wished obedience. They can say, “Now you get into perfect normal activity and see that you maintain it!”…
Every individual is a God in embryo and can call forth Limitless Power to use for his advancement at any and all times. The cause of one’s seeming slowness of advancement, many times, is because the Student or individual is consciously or unconsciously looking for the manifestation rather than the…