I say to you, “Beware!”—for a picture of the lower desire may be placed before an individual, and the picture will cause the thought to act. This shows the necessity of the control of the vision as well as the thought. The vision is one activity of the attention. Important:…
It took us a year and four months to read the first 3 Volumes of The I AM Discourses. We are reading The Final Chapters of Vol 3 today. Have you been seeing changes using your I AM Statements and focusing on Your Mighty I AM Presence this past year?…
Created by Vickie Valesquez I would suggest that some time each day you think of yourself as a radio station sending forth peace and goodwill to all mankind. Know that in this Mighty Consciousness, the Limitless Power of the “Mighty I AM Presence” flows forth to each individual and gives…
Warning—watch this: My Heart yearns for the Illumination of the Student who keeps voicing day after day, week after week: “How am I to govern my thought? Why don’t these affairs come into shape as I want them to? Why doesn’t everything change about as it should?” Dear Student, let…
“The average person’s thoughts and feeling are nothing but a mass of chaotic pictures and negative suggestions which he has accepted from the world about him, and keeps repeating and feeding them by his own energy through his attention. Order is Heaven’s First Law—Harmony and Peace, the Cohesive Power of…
Dominion over the body: People can, if they will only realize it, talk to the organs or parts of the physical body just like they would to a child from whom they wished obedience. They can say, “Now you get into perfect normal activity and see that you maintain it!”…
Every individual is a God in embryo and can call forth Limitless Power to use for his advancement at any and all times. The cause of one’s seeming slowness of advancement, many times, is because the Student or individual is consciously or unconsciously looking for the manifestation rather than the…
Octaves of thought: I think it well to again refer to the octaves of thought, for these exist within the atmosphere the same as the strata exist within the Earth. I think it may be wise to define to some degree these octaves. The first We shall mention is the…
STOP DISCUSSING YOUR DESIRES, AMBITIONS OR IDEALS…Good Rising <3 “Thousands of desires, ambitions, or ideals would have manifested into the outer experience of individuals—if they had not discussed them with friends or acquaintances. When you decide to definitely bring about an experience—through consciously directed visualization—you become The Law—God—the Law of…
Hello to you as well 🙂 I was gone a very long time. Well it feels very long. My last BLOG post was October 5, 2012 and that was the day I fell down a flight of stairs outside my home, and wound up with crushed vertebrae in my back….