“Whatever and whoever denies God—the Source of all Life and Light—can only exist as long as the energy which they have already received can sustain them; because the moment an individual, group, or nation denies the very Source of Life, that instant the Inflowing Stream of Life Energy is cut…
The Indigo Room
Every individual is a God in embryo and can call forth Limitless Power to use for his advancement at any and all times. The cause of one’s seeming slowness of advancement, many times, is because the Student or individual is consciously or unconsciously looking for the manifestation rather than the…
Octaves of thought: I think it well to again refer to the octaves of thought, for these exist within the atmosphere the same as the strata exist within the Earth. I think it may be wise to define to some degree these octaves. The first We shall mention is the…
No permanent Happiness is ever attained except through the adoration of God, the “Mighty I AM Presence,” which is within, above, and around the individual. Happiness is a powerful alchemy. It is one of the most powerful purifiers of the human thought, feeling, mind, body, aura, and world of the…
When I was young my dad would say, “Just do your best.” Encouraging I know. Yet have you ever thought or said to yourself, maybe you’ve said it to others, “I did the best I could do?” Guess what, there is always room to do, be or have a…
When you forgive and forget completely, you give up pain and you give yourself freedom. What does that mean really? I mean really what does that mean? Listen I know we are taught there are people who do not deserve our forgiveness, what they did is unforgivable and if we…
One day I went to my mailbox and this was inside a card from a listener of The Indigo Room who became a wonderful friend. Just thought I would share it today because she said I could. Created by Vickie Velasquez No title except …For Sydney, but it I feel…
This new day I awoke kinda late for me..9:25am My feet didn’t hit the floor though until around 9:30am due to the new day ritual of greetings from Ms Cleopatra. She loves to give new good rising kisses as I am sure many of you who have dogs and cats…
Institute for the Psychology of Eating Marc David Author of The Slow Down Diet: Eating for Pleasure, Energy & Weight Loss has created this Awesome Program and I would love to share it with you. Revolutionary trainings and products in the exciting new fields of Dynamic Eating Psychology and Mind…
The Indigo Room: Creating Our Reality Social Network on Ning http://theindigoroom.ning.com continues to Grow and Expand. And we have some really amazing members. I am happy to support our members, here is what some of them are up to these days. Become a Member of our Social Network and log…