Feel it More.. Today I have been pondering two things, one we call reality, the thing we are living and one we call our dream, the thing we are not living. And I had an aha moment. Both are reality really, one we are living and one we are dreaming…
Emotions & Vibrations
As you may have already read my last post, I was thoroughly excited by the episode I listened to on the No Out There Talk Show last Wednesday. I hope you gave yourself the gift of listening to it as well. I was excited not because I heard something new,…
Yes I said it. An order of Skepticism with a side order of Doubt is definitely not bad. In fact I find it quite a wonderful thing. What prompted me to actually writing about it? Glad you asked..: )) Today I was invited somewhere by a friend, and I asked…
This week is full of Activity around The Indigo Room Network, The Indigo Room: Creating Our Reality and On Indigo Love Revolution Island in Second Life. This weeks Episode: Title: EPISODE109 – Ice Cream For Dinner & LOA Terms, Phrases Time: 01/12/2009 01:00 PM EST Episode Notes: What do I…
Hopeful is our word of the month for July. Before I began Deliberately changing my thoughts, before I began doing this on purpose, with purpose, I hated the word hopeful. Why? Hopeful meant maybe, unsure, doubt, quiet desperation to me. I didn’t want anyone to tell me to have Hope….
Visit Alyce online at www.thetateacher.com Second hour open forum as we continue the book discussion of Ask and It is Given by Esther & Jerry Hicks. www.abraham-hicks.com The new website for the show is now open at http://theindigoroom.webs.com a portal for all Indigo Room sites on the web. It is…
Coach Wendy is back tonight on The Indigo Room. She always brings us wonderful insights from her own life experience as she deliberately uses the Law of Attraction. Join us as you may have your own Aha moment. Visit Wendy online at www.wellness-life-coach.com and on Myspace at www.myspace.com/reikicoach Second hour…
LaSal Host of The Other Side Speaks www.theothersidespeaks.ning.com www.psychiceyes.com TONIGHT RECEIVE A FREE READING WITH LASAL LaSal host of The Other Side Speaks, has been doing readings for over 35 years, and has worked with the Professional Psychic Counselors Network as well. LaSal connects those who’ve passed on from the…
Ask & It is Given Book Discussion www.abraham-hicks.com We are continuing the Ask & It is Given Book Disscussion…CALL IN 724-444-7444 TALKCAST ID 33443 Chapter and process 19 Releasing Resistance to Become Free of Debt
Ask & It is Given Book Discussion www.abraham-hicks.com RECLAIMING ONE’S NATURAL STATE OF HEALTH & TURNING IT OVER TO THE MANAGER We are continuing the Ask & It is Given Book Disscussion…CALL IN 724-444-7444 TALKCAST ID 33443 First Hour Chapter 2 and process 21..Reclaiming One’s Natural State of Health.. Second…