Good New Day You delicious Indigo beings of the Indigo Room. I hope you slept in the wish fulfilled and you woke up that way. If you are new here, you may be asking what is the wish fulfilled? According to Neville Goddard that would be the desire that you…
Neville Goddard
Train Your Imagination in A Virtual Reality to Live The Life You Desire In Real Life You may have remembered me talking about creating a vision board many times on YouTube and on my Podcast. You may have heard me talking about using Second Life which is a Virtual Reality…
Good New Day You delicious Indigo beings of the Indigo Room. I hope you slept in the wish fulfilled and you woke up that way. Think about something that you Know. What does that feel like? Are you sitting and a chair right now? If you are sitting in a…
Is fake it till You make & law of assumption and law of attraction all the same thing? Many people get these two things confused. One is a concept or idea and the other is a universal law. You may have heard that term Fake it till You Make it or…
The Create My Day a Daily Journal Planner on Amazon. If you’ve ever had wicky wacky days or thoughts like I have, you may find this little book a useful tool and perfect match for you. I use the techniques illustrated inside The Create My Day daily journal…
The Indigo Room is broadcast live every Wednesday, 8pm Eastern, 5pm Pacific on YouTube. Recordings of the Indigo Room are uploaded one week later to our podcast channel on this week’s broadcast, we discussed how positive thinking and feeling negative may actually be canceling out your manifestation. As Neville…
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How is an Old Blind Man & his two sons YOU? Are There Manifesting Secrets in the Bible? Pt 3. Resurrection by Neville Goddard. We will use our own wonderful human imagination. Thoughts become things. What does an old blind man named Issac and his two sons Jacob and Esau…
Imagination Manifestation Exercises. Do you have something that works for you? I will be sharing the ones that I have found works for you. Everything begins within your wonderful own human imagination.
The Name of God. Are There Manifesting Secrets in The Bible? Resurrection by Neville Goddard Maybe you are like me and you had no idea that the Bible is a manifesting manual hidden in plain sight. Yes, Yes, it is! Neville, who is one of my favorite Metaphysical teachers opened…