The conscious mind reasons inductively from observation, experience and education. It therefore finds it difficult to believe what the five senses and inductive reason deny. The subconscious reasons deductively and is never concerned with the truth or falsity of the premise, but proceeds on the assumption of the correctness of…
The Indigo Room
There is no power which can touch you in your Call and Acceptance of the Power of your “Presence.” Mankind will understand the Glory of the Tube of Light which your “Presence” produces about you at your Call. It is so Invincible! Then you will be able to move…
The Students must all realize that no longer shall they give one single appearance less than Perfection any power by their attention. Shut it off instantly and say to your human self: “Come back here! Go to your Presence’ and stay there! Don’t you dare get out of line here….
Now notice these two activities. I am sure so few have really understood this particular point. It is one which I hope to make clear to you and hold it eternally before you in gaining your Dominion. It is the need of your complete cooperation in your feeling with your…
You who are so earnest have had some experience, without doubt, that has caused you to realize there is a principle of Light which is your Life, which is all Life. You can cause this Light to expand within you and your world, knowing It is anchored within your Heart,…
Today, the opportunity of the centuries is open to you, to glorify yourself in the Perfection of the Life which beats your Heart. You cannot be disconnected from It and live. Therefore, your Life is your Light! If you will thank and praise the Life which beats your Heart, then…
We call to the attention of everyone the things you require. As long as you let human feelings govern, and give voice to your unkind feelings, you will be deprived of your Heart’s desire. It is the Law of Life, Precious Ones! It is no one’s desire; but you are…
You today are the product of your thought and feeling. In refusing acceptance to appearances which are less than Perfection, say to them instantly, “You have no power!” Then you stop the activity of those appearances. You stop the human creation which has accumulated up to this time, and you…
It is so important to watch your feelings. I had a Student once who had a similar condition, and I told him to say to everything, “God bless you.” He had remarkable results; for the continued use of this statement is a powerful force acting and builds a condition in…
Warning—watch this: My Heart yearns for the Illumination of the Student who keeps voicing day after day, week after week: “How am I to govern my thought? Why don’t these affairs come into shape as I want them to? Why doesn’t everything change about as it should?” Dear Student, let…