
INDIGO IT’S TIME TO ACTIVATE YOUR MERKABA! 7/7/7 Portal is now open and INDIGO IT’S TIME TO ACTIVATE YOUR MERKABA! Good New Day you delicious Indigo beings of the Indigo Room. I hope you slept in the wish fulfilled and you woke up that way. As you may or may…

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The 11/11 Portal in this year of 2022 is indeed a very powerful one energetically speaking for the earthly collective but extremely important for Indigos to be aware and take full advantage of. This time is considered by the metaphysical/spiritual community to be an energetic new year and reset. Ce-le-br-a-te!!!…

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It is Not Your Job to Figure Out the HOW!

Finally got it all set up! I am so hyped. I received this gift from an Indigo Room Subscriber and Donor, Thursday 9/12/19. They wish to remain anonymous, but I know who they are.🙏😊 I shall honor their request. I am so very thankful. This workstation, laptop, monitor, keyboard and mouse…

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In the Full Understanding of your “Presence,” remember: only through your attention is everything made possible for you. Without your attention upon a given thing, you cannot know its activity. Thus your attention becomes the first focal point for the Power of your “Presence” to come through and fulfill every…

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Try to recognize that in the slightest activity in the outer, it is always the Power or Energy of God acting. Know this! Then stimulate the activity of the consciousness into recognizing that as you consciously direct this God Power into the channel of your highest desires, you can enter…

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I say to you, “Beware!”—for a picture of the lower desire may be placed before an individual, and the picture will cause the thought to act. This shows the necessity of the control of the vision as well as the thought. The vision is one activity of the attention. Important:…

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